
“Being creative is all about making mistakes. The hardest part of the process is recognizing when a mistake is pure perfection or just a disaster.”




A professor at Art School once divulged "the better you are at drawing, the better your work in any medium will be", and for Canadian designer/artist Giuseppe Simpatico drawing encompasses a sense of freedom that has kept him inspired since then.  His career as a web designer allows him to create daily using more modern applications, yet he still enjoys exploring his humble roots where it all stemmed from, sketching with a pencil and paper. 

After graduating from University of British Columbia Okanagan with a  Bachelor of Fine Arts, Giuseppe continued to study digital design and web development at Kelowna's Centre for Arts and Technology. During his attendance at CATO he worked as a freelance designer and FLASH animator, and after graduation help co-found GOODSIR creative.  At GOODSIR he and his partners built a well respected Digital Agency, attracting clients on a national level.  With their diverse client base it has allowed the company to become one of the largest digital agencies in British Columbia and in 2016 the company was acquired to CREW marketing.  


Using Traditional Mediums and Discovering Technology

As he learned more about programming and digital design, Giuseppe saw the potential of how the creative design process could be more efficient than what he had done in the past. “In art school if I wanted to do a painting from a photo, the process was lengthy.  For instance, I would have to take the perfect photo, develop the film, stretch my canvas, purchase the paints, and that was all followed by hours of painting”.  He explains that the days of worrying about "the process" are gone, and because of technology his ideas that used to stay as ideas are now being developed and showcased.

Giuseppe has been experimenting with combining traditional techniques & technology to restyle his drawings into something exclusively his.  “By completing my drawing in a digital setting I have the ability to be more subjective with my pieces than I have in the past.  It allows me to be more efficient during the entire process which I love… sometimes I’ll stumble upon a new technique and come up with something that’s a complete surprise."

“As I continually explore the techniques of digital drawing, I find myself blurring the line between fine art and modern design.  I’m unsure as to what is next – and because of this I’m always excited about my next piece!”